Hello blog world. I have already admitted to being the worst blogger ever so I cannot use that excuse anymore for my lack of post. I can however use the excuse that I've been extremely tired and the lack of energy after my work day leaves no creative juices for blogging. My new excuse, I'm pregnant! Yep, there is a baby Bird nesting away right now that we cannot wait to meet the first of the year. So, until I'm up to speed again I'll just have to be okay with the random post here and there.
I do hope to have some new items for Christmas this year. I'm thinking ahead since this Christmas I don't think I'll be 100% in the swing of working with a baby around the corner. :) Keep an eye out and I hope to have some fun Trendy Ink products to share in the coming months.
Annnnnd because a post is more fun with pictures. Here's my first baby, Oliver, watching his 'daddy' cut the grass. I love that boy! :)