Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I decided to post 25 random things about me, this trend was going around with other bloggers and on facebook so I decided to join in the fun!

1. I crave chocolate at least once a week.
2. Jesus is my best friend & I don’t know how people manage life without Him.
3. I love New York, love it!
4. Paris was amazing and I dream of going back but this time with my love.
5. I turned 29 years old 30 days after marrying Billy.
6. Billy is the best thing that has happened to me & I’m thankful God saved him just for me!
7. I talk to mom at least once a day, sometimes 3x a day.
8. Sophie Mae is the cutest pup ever; she can get anything from me with one sweet hug!
9. I miss my brother but glad he has the opportunity to live in Italy and travel. He’s my American hero and I’m so proud of him. I might be jealous he gets to live in Europe tho!
10. Traveling is one of my passions – Israel (makes the BIBLE come alive), Paris, London, Switzerland, Germany, Austria all were amazing and I recommend a Europe travel package to anyone!
11. I have OCD
12. I hate to vacuum and Billy loves it – so it works out for us.
13. I dream weird dreams all the time and my sweet husband gets to hear how weird I am each morning when I tell him about it.
14. I hate green peas, hate them.
15. I cannot sleep in socks.
16. Designing wedding invitations is another passion of mine – I love to design for a special occasion!
17. After leaving from my first “date” with Billy, I knew he was the man I would marry. And we did 5 months later.
18. I miss my cousin Chris Milanese, daily.
19. Mom and I planned my garden dream wedding in only 8 weeks – it doesn’t take a year, you just gotta know what you want!
20. Pink is my favorite color, I want a pink room with a chandelier one day.
21. I had a major crush on Jordan Knight when I was in fifth grade, NKOTB rocks!
22. I’m addicted to XM radio and don’t mind the expense, it’s worth it!
23. I can be cheap, I will scout out an item 5x over before committing to purchase hoping it will hit the clearance rack by the time I ‘have to have it’!
24. I despise Wal-mart but seem to torture myself a few times a month there and don’t know why I do.
25. I have a problem with people wanting a handout and refusing to get a JOB!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Two months ago today was the best day, ever! Billy & I had a wonderful garden wedding in the backyard of my parents’ home in Georgia. My parents went above and beyond, even the food my mom catered (yes, she did it all) was gorgeous! Everything my mom and I had discussed had been executed perfectly – my outdoor dream wedding had become reality. I am a “details” girl, they are important so Pop surprised us with a large wooden “B” hanging in the entry way, so creative! Mom found mini chandeliers to match my larger one so there was more glitz in the trees. They even bought me a baby grand piano to place in the yard! I really wish we could turn back time so I could be a guest to this fabulous event; I’d love to go back and soak in all the remarkable details we worked so hard on. Thankfully, Lyndsay and Anderson captured all of the fabulousness for me since we cannot go back in time. Ha! Here’s a sneak peak at my wedding album I’m in the process of designing, enjoy the pictures I promised to blog about!
I will share more wedding album spreads in the near future. TrendyInk has been busy lately (and for that I am thankful!) so there’s not much time for a lot of personal designing at the moment – it’s a process. The past 8 weeks have been nothing but amazing! I am so blessed! Thank you, mom and pop, for making the day better than a dream! Thank you, Billy, for being so incredible, I love you babe!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Mystery Film

I’ve moved several times in the last 5 years, actually I moved each year. In all my moving I packed along a mystery roll of film. I wasn’t too sure where it came from or how far back those mystery memories were captured. Recently, I stumbled across the film roll again as I was organizing some areas in the new apartment. I finally decided it was time to unleash those mystery pictures and take a trip to Wal-mart. Come to find out, they do not develop film in an hour. I was not really surprised; I mean how many people develop from film anymore? Last night I picked up the pictures, it was fun reliving these 2003 moments again!

Happy graduation again, Mr. Liberty Alumni!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Miss Sophie

I've been contemplating a new pet, a sweet-loving puppy. Billy quickly reminds me that I have one and it's time to visit my parents for the 'fix'. Sunday, it hit - I MISSED SOPHIE! As silly as it sounds, I just absolutely had to see her! Sophie knows that when her 'mommy' shows up there's always a new toy in tow...I couldn't disappoint. Sunday afternoon I made a pit stop to PetSmart for a cute new play toy and hit the road. I began thinking about all those early-early mornings while potty training her, the expense at the vet & most importantly those expensive haircuts at the beauty parlor every 6 weeks...I snap out of my "I want a new puppy" mode and just enjoy my visit with my other true love, Miss Sophie Mae. On my surprise visit Sophie was super excited and extra grateful for her new toy. We played a lot, enjoyed momma's home cooking and watched movies together - it was a relaxing afternoon in Folkston!


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